Posted in Contemporay Romance

The Right Swipe by Alisha Rai

*thank you to Piatkus for the review copy in exchange for an honest review*

A story I’d swipe right on!

This isn’t your conventional romance book. It’s modern with a tough as nails heroine and a sweet as hell hero.

Rhi owns her own dating app company. It’s huge and she’s very talented in her stuff. I loved her passion and drive, but she can come across as icy when you first meet her. She has a reason behind that and you need to read on to see her grow and change.

Samson, is an ex athlete. He’s a sweet and caring guy with a tough looking exterior. He meets Rhi on her app and they spend one very delicious night together. However he ghost her and that doesn’t lead up well for when they finally end up meeting again.

The story shows not only great character development but there was enough going on to make you pushing forward. Being my first Alisha Rai book, I loved it and truly enjoyed the diversity as it’s not something you see a lot in the publishing industry.

A brilliant read with a HEA for two very passionate and driven people. If you want a modern romance with two unique characters then this is the read for you.

– Book Fanatic


Alisha Rai returns with the first book in her sizzling new Modern Love series, in which two rival dating app creators find themselves at odds in the boardroom but in sync in the bedroom.

Rhiannon Hunter may have revolutionized romance in the digital world, but in real life she only swipes right on her career—and the occasional hookup. The cynical dating app creator controls her love life with a few key rules:

– Nude pics are by invitation only

– If someone stands you up, block them with extreme prejudice

– Protect your heart

Only there aren’t any rules to govern her attraction to her newest match, former pro-football player Samson Lima. The sexy and seemingly sweet hunk woos her one magical night… and disappears.

Rhi thought she’d buried her hurt over Samson ghosting her, until he suddenly surfaces months later, still big, still beautiful—and in league with a business rival. He says he won’t fumble their second chance, but she’s wary. A temporary physical partnership is one thing, but a merger of hearts? Surely that’s too high a risk…


Just a Girl Livin' Through Books...

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