Posted in Enemies To Lovers Romance, Limelight Romance, Musician Romance, Short Story

The Anti-Fan and the Idol: A My Summer In Seoul Novella

An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review

As someone who’s been obsessed with K-Pop for almost a year I love seeing Rachel use her extensive knowledge about the industry to create this new world.

It can be read standalone from My Summer in Seoul, but we do get a mention of SWT and see Sookie which was so much fun to revisit!

This novella focuses on Ah-Ri. She’s not been able to debut into a group for a while, since she always seems to be lacking something.

When two guys she is not very fond of come with an offer she can’t refuse her life starts to flip for the better.

Not only does she get to claw towards a debut but also find love somehow, and realise that light can be found through all the piles of hardwork.

It was a fun short read and gave lots of insight into how hard trainees must work to reach these unobtainable expectations. However when given the chance to break out for the norm they can shine just as, or if not brighter for being different.

Amazing funny charming writing! So easy to jump in. I could praise for days! Nerve stop writing Rachel, your stories always give me joy!

An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review.


From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken comes a new story in her My Summer in Seoul series…

Make it or break it…

Or maybe just break them?

Ai-Ri has been training under YK Management in Korea for two years without any results. She doesn’t fit the typical mold for a successful K-POP idol image, literally down to her blood type. She has six more months before college entrance exams which means she only has six months to make it as an idol before her dreams are crushed.

Things take a turn when two of the most famous male idols break away from their group and decide to form their own co-ed group, a rarity.

And wonder of all wonders, they need one more girl.

It would be the perfect opportunity, except she hates them.

They are arrogant, entitled, rich little snobs who want the world to worship the ground they walk on. To make matters worse, the only reason they came to her was because they are desperate, which means she needs to prove herself even more.

Tempers and personalities collide when she’s forced to either accept the position or give up on her dream.

But what happens when you suddenly go from anti-fan and enemy number one to stuck in a love triangle between two boys you were born to hate but are somehow falling in love with? And will the group survive the heartbreak that follows when she finally makes her choice?


Just a Girl Livin' Through Books...

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